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Disability Community Wins Big on Airline Accessibility in New FAA Bill

President Biden signed the bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill on May 16. This law will implement programs and standards to improve aviation safety and strengthen protections for disabled passengers and airline workers. 

Lawmakers pass bill that will lower wheelchair repair times

(WFSB) - A big win for wheelchair users in Connecticut. Lawmakers passed a bill that will lower wheelchair repair wait times. The I-Team first told you months ago, about the task force fighting for reforms this legislative session.

Wheelchair users have been telling the I-Team for months, that long repair delays often leave them without the very thing they need to survive. They even formed a wheelchair repair task force to take their concerns to lawmakers. They say this newly passed bill will help solve many problems.

YOUR VOICE COUNTS - Please take and share this important Survey!

Could you help share this very important survey this weekend, as wheelchair user advocates prepare to meet with legislators and wheelchair repair industry representatives for the second time next Tuesday? The more the stories we collect before then the better!

These CT residents have muscular dystrophy, quadriplegia or other injuries....

.... What they don’t always have is wheelchairs that work.

By ED STANNARD | | Hartford Courant

Maureen Amirault has muscular dystrophy and has used a specialized wheelchair for about 2½ years.

She’s been waiting for it to be repaired for most of that time.o“I have a repair issue regarding just being fitted properly to the wheelchair and that has been outstanding since July of 2021,” said Amirault, 46, of Wethersfield.

New Public Hearing Date on Wheelchair Repair

Date/Time: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. in Room 2E of the LOB and via Zoom

The hearing is on HB 6702 (2023HB-06702-R00-HB.DOCX ( , “right to repair”. This is about the problem of lack of access to timely repair of customized wheelchairs in CT (regardless of payor and regardless of whether under warranty). We need people to tell their stories of problems with getting wheelchairs from one of the two suppliers in the state, severely comprising the independence of our folks and in some cases creating serious dangers to users of this equipment.

CDC Updates Consumer Mask Webpage

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its webpage describing the types of masks and respirators used to prevent transmission of COVID-19 to help people determine which options are best for them. The updated page lays out the protection provided by available masks and respirators, noting that some types of masks and respirators provide better protection than others. 

CMS Fact Sheet: No Surprises Act

On January 1, the No Surprises Act went into effect, establishing protections against surprise billing and excessive cost-sharing for people who are covered by commercial health plans. CMS has published this fact sheet and updated this webpage to help people understand these protections. Read more about the No Surprises Act

Essential Information on the Covid19 Omicron Variant

The Omicron variant spreads more easily than the original virus that causes COVID-19. Here are 3 things you can do to help protect yourself and others:

  1. Get the COVID-19 vaccine, if you haven't already. 
  2. Get the booster when you're fully eligible. 
  3. Continue wearing a mask.

Exercise and Fitness after Spinal Cord Injury Video Wins Silver Telly Award

We are excited to announce that the MSKTC video entitled Exercise and Fitness after SCI is a Silver winner of 40th Annual Telly Awards in 2019. Established in 1979, The Telly Awards is the premier award honoring video and television across all screens, which selects winners from more than 12,000 entries across the U.S. and around the world.

Hospital for Special Care Cord Connections: Adapted Vehicles June 21

Tim Fournier, the SCIACT Chapter Vice-President, who also works for Advanced Wheels will be presenting at this support group. He will discuss products, processes, answer questions and have adapted vehicles available for viewing. All members are welcome to attend!!

Join us at our new Across Disability Support Group in Bristol, CT on April 27

Join us for the first meeting on Thursday, April 27 at 6p.m. at Chapter 126, 47 Upson Street Bristol, CT ( This first introductory meeting will be a meet and greet for all members and caregivers. The group is open to individuals with all types of disabilities and conditions. Each additional meeting will be centered on a different topic/guest speaker.

Ed Roberts activist Google Doodle honors leader of the disability rights movement

By Amy Gesenhues, Roberts co-founded the World Institute on Disability, a nonprofit organization focused on disability policy, research and consulting.

Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital Spinal Cord Injury Informational Series - 1/18/17

Join us on Wednesday January 18 for a social gathering at Margaritas Restaurant 350 Roberts Street, East Hartford CT.. Future 2017 Speakers, Meetings & Events will be discussed.

Please RSVP to Paige McCullough-Casciano @ (860)714-2421 /  by Tuesday, January 17th.

Looking for an Accessible Vacation Spot?

Posted November 2014

Then check out Accessible Niagra.  A Chapter member shares videos of a positive accessible experience.

SCI CT Resource Directory Now Available Online!

Posted: November 2007

The CT Disability Advocacy Collective (CT-DAC) has graciously assisted us in developing an online version of the NSCIACT Resource Directory. Click here it check it out!

Veering From Bush, Frist Backs Funding for Stem Cell Research

July 29, 2005

WASHINGTON, July 29 - In a break with President Bush, the Senate Republican leader, Bill Frist, has decided to support a bill to expand federal financing for embryonic stem cell research, a move that could push it closer to passage and force a confrontation with the White House, which is threatening to veto the measure.

Stem cells heal spinal cords in study on rats

WASHINGTON July 27, 2005 - Genetically engineered stem cells can help rats’ severed spinal cords grow back together, according to a study published Tuesday.

Stem Cell Bill, Once Seen as a Sure Thing, Is Now Mired in Uncertainty

July 23, 2005

WASHINGTON, July 22 - A measure to expand federal financing for human embryonic stem cell research, passed by the House and once considered a shoo-in for adoption by the Senate, is tangled up in a procedural dispute that will probably delay a vote until fall - and could wind up killing the bill, its chief Republican backer said.

 News from National  

Get the latest news, resources and information from our national affiliate, United Spinal Association.

  Our Mission

The Mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal Association, is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

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