NSCIACT Peer Assistance Program

Peer Assistant Program

The purpose of the "Peer Assistance program" To provide newly injured person, or persons who are having trouble adapting, an opportunity to talk to "others" who share similar experiences and circumstances. This is a process by which a person with a disability, through their skilled training, personal experiences, and desire to help, offers assistance to others with a disability.

Who are Peer Assistants?

A Peer Assistant is a person with a spinal cord injury or disease who has been selected and trained by the Peer Assistance Program Screening Committee. This individual has demonstrated effective independent living and adaptation in the community for a minimum of one year following the onset of there disability. The person has agreed, on a volunteer basis, to provide resource information, understanding on various issues including :

  • Activities of daily living
  • Coping with self and body image
  • Dating and relationships
  • Learning self advocacy & assertiveness
  • Recreational & leisure time activities
  • Awareness of other community resources
  • Equipment modification and repair

To Request Information and/or Schedule a Visit

Call Us:

NSCIA Connecticut Chapter at (203) 284-2910

E-Mail Us:



Fill out the following form:

Request for Peer Assistance


 News from National  

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For more information visit: https://usamech.com/

  Our Mission

The Mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal Association, is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

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