About the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association...

General Information

The Spinal Cord Injury Association of Connecticut (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal is a group of individuals that join together with the hopes of improving the lives of people who have been affected by a spinal related injury or disease within the state of Connecticut. The SCIACT is a non-profit (501c3) organization and has been in existence for over 35 years now.

The SCIACT strives to empower spinal cord injured individuals and the disability community to become active members of the community, lead an independent lifestyle and improve the quality of the lives of others.

The SCIACT has evolved throughout the years. The chapter has begun to communicate and serve the community through the web, email and social media outlets. The chapter continues to provide quarterly newsletters with SCI related information in research, advocacy and health.

SCIACT continues to add support groups across the state of Connecticut. Currently, there are monthly meeting at Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, Hospital for Special Care and Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital. Meetings are open to the individuals with SCI as well as friends and family. Contact information as well as dates and topics are located on the Support Group link under the services tab. Under the services tab you can also find information on the SCIACT peer assistant program.

In addition SCIACT continues to education the community on preventing spinal cord injury through the ThinkFirst program. For more information on the program contact the chapter office. The program is always looking for spinal cord injury survivors to tell their story in order to prevent spinal cord injury. This is a team of people, which include nurses, therapists, paraplegics, and quadriplegics that go to schools and educate students on prevention and safety.

SCIACT provides a Quality of Life grant to help offset some of the financial hardship that comes with spinal cord injury. The SCIACT can also provide families with information on other resources that can be accessed for assistance when the cost of a medical hardship becomes too difficult.

Services and resources provided are free of charge. The SCIACT is operated by dedicated, creative, and hardworking volunteers. The Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in serving on a committee or want to attend a board meeting, please feel free to contact the office at the number listed below.

Spinal Cord Injury Association of Connecticut,
A Chapter of United Spinal

Gaylord Hospital
PO Box 533
Milford, CT, 06460

Mission Statement

The mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a Chapter of United Spinal is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

The SCIACT will provide individual support and furnish information to afford greater awareness of disabilities, spinal cord research, prevention and education. In addition, the SCIACT will provide activities and events with the goal of empowering its members.

Become a Member

Membership in United Spinal Association and our local Connecticut Chapter is free and open to all individuals, 18 years or older, who are living with a spinal cord injury or disease, their family members, friends, and healthcare providers. When you officially join our growing community, you join us in helping to build an inclusive world that empowers people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) in reaching their full potential.

Member Benefits

  • Advice and Guidance
  • Peer Support
  • Free subscriptions to New Mobility Magazine
  • Ongoing Educational Webinars and Special Events
  • Free Publications
  • Being A Part Of The Bigger Picture

Click this link to enroll as a member of United Spinal Association. Under "Select a Chapter", choose "CT Wallingford Chapter" from the list. Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email from United Spinal Association confirming your membership in our national organization followed by a confirmation email from United Spinal CT Chapter to let you know that you are officially a part of our team.

SCIA CT Board Members

Executive Board

  • Jeff Dion, President
  • Jim Quick, First Vice President
  • Hiram Gonzalez, Treasurer
  • Diana Pernigotti, Secretary
  • Todd Johnston, V.P. Advocacy
  • Jonathan Sigworth, V.P. Resources
  • Diana Pernigotti V.P. Services
  • Bill Higgins, V.P. of Development
  • Tim Fournier, V.P. of Membership
  • Geoff Matesky, V.P. of Communication
  • **currently V.P. of Education is vacant.

Board of Directors

  • Jeff Dion
  • Tim Fournier
  • Hiram Gonzalez
  • Stathis Hasiotis
  • Bill Higgins
  • Todd Johnston
  • Geoff Matesky
  • Diana Pernigotti
  • Jim Quick
  • Darrell Ruopp
  • Jonathan Sigworth

SCIA CT Support Group Contacts

  • Gaylord Specialty Healthcare Support Group: Erin Lampron
  • Mt. Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital Support Group: Paige McCullough-Casiano
  • Hospital for Special Care Support Group: Jenna Murphy and Christa Green

***Anyone who is interested in attending a board meeting or looking to volunteer on a committee, please call the SCIACT office number.***

Spinal Cord Injury Association of Connecticut,
A Chapter of United Spinal

Gaylord Hospital
PO Box 5334
Milford, CT, 06460

 News from National  

Get the latest news, resources and information from our national affiliate, United Spinal Association.

 Resource Directory  

The Spinal Cord Injury Association of Connecticut Resource Directory offers a vast amount of information, including: health care providers and facilities, councilors, adaptive technology, and more!

Get Resources

  Featured Sponsor

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Donating to the NSCIA CT Chapter has never been easier or more secure! Please click this button to donate the amount of your choice using the payment method of your choice.

  New Mobility

New Mobility is United Spinal’s free monthly membership magazine covering Spinal Cord Injury and Disease, health, travel, recreation, advocacy, relationships, employment, humor, the arts, lifestyles and much more.

Visit New Mobility Magazine!

Visit New Mobility

  Contact Information

Mailing Address:

Spinal Cord Injury Association of Connecticut
PO Box 5334
Milford, CT, 06460



