Spinal Cord Injury Support Groups

Spinal cord injured people encounter other problems beyond the physical symptoms. Spinal cord injury affects social, emotional, vocational, and economic aspects of living. Coping with the stigma of being disabled, barriers to employment opportunities, expressing sexuality, and other social and personal issues are a major part of living with a spinal cord injury. Many individuals feel the need to discuss these topics with others that possess similar injuries.

As a service to persons with spinal cord injury or disease, the SCIACT Connecticut Chapter provides support group meetings. Our support groups allow individuals the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics with other's that have a spinal cord injury. Support group meetings are held at many area hospitals and independent living centers throughout the state of Connecticut. Support groups are organized and run by SCIACT member volunteers. Currently support groups are located at :

Where : Hospital for Special Care, New Britain, CT
When : 3rd Thursday of every Month
Time : 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Contact : Sarah Barnes at sbarnes@hfsc.org or (860) 827-1958 ext 5068.
Please call for a list of topics and activities!

Where : Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital in Hartford, CT.
When : 3rd Wednesday of every Month*
Time : 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM*
Contact : Paige McCullough-Casciano 860-714-2421 or email pmccullo@stfranciscare.org
* Update May 2023: Due to the recent pandemic, this in-person support group has been on-hold and in the process of re-structuring, with dates and times to-be-announced that will fit the communities needs. For the latest updates please use the Contact information above to reach out to Paige McCullough-Casciano.

Where : Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford, CT.
When : 4th Wednesday of every Month
Time : 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Contact : Tim Kilbride at 203-284-2910 or TKilbride@gaylord.org and Erika Ozdemirer at 203-284-2876 or EMalits@gaylord.org
Please call for a list of topics and activities!

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 News from National  

Get the latest news, resources and information from our national affiliate, United Spinal Association.

  Our Mission

The Mission of the Connecticut Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIACT), a chapter of United Spinal Association, is to support those with spinal related injuries or diseases and their families by being an advocate for their rights while serving as a resource to its members and the general public.

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